布里起司是最知名的法國起司,素有”起司之后”的美稱。 布里起司屬於軟起司,以原產地法國小鎮”Brie”來命名。 幾百年前,布里起司是進貢給國王的貢品之一,非常珍貴。 由全脂牛奶製成,具有天堂般、入口即化的細緻口感,造就了烤起司三明治極其美味的因素。 快來菜單裡尋找布里起司吧!試試看,你絕對不會後悔!
Brie is the best known French cheese and has a nickname "The Queen of Cheeses". Brie is a soft cheese named after the French region Brie, where it was originally created. Several hundred years ago, Brie was one of the tributes which had to be paid to the French kings. Made from whole milk, Brie is an heavenly, creamy melty cheese, which makes Brie one of the best cheese for the perfect Grilled Cheese sandwiches. Find Brie on our menu and give it a try. You won't regret.
【Apple Brie 烤蘋果布里起司】 Grilled brie cheese, watercress and thinly sliced apple. Over honey mustard 烤布里起司,搭配水芹和新鮮蘋果切片,佐蜂蜜芥末醬
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