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只有好好好食材:羊乳起司 Only the good stuff:Goat Cheese

Toasteria Café 本月份要介紹的好好好食材 『羊乳起司 Goat Cheese』

有著豐富的維他命A與鉀,是最適合減肥者的完美起司。 羊乳起司有著非常獨特的味道, 撲鼻的酸香以及淡淡的土味(也有人說是羊味), 這讓他們跟牛乳製成的起司有所區別。

而羊乳起司獨一無二的強烈香氣 讓他成為了Toasteria Café 最喜愛的起司之一, 貫穿整本menu,到處都可以看到Goat Cheese!!

→ 羊乳起司沙拉 → 青醬香菇烤羊乳起司帕尼尼 → 羊乳起司烤茄子帕尼尼 → 蒜味羊乳起司臘腸帕尼尼 → 大蒜蘑菇羊乳起司義大利麵 → 羊乳起司烤甜椒歐姆蛋捲

來Toasteria Cafe試試看羊乳起司吧! 也許你會一試就愛上唷~

營業到凌晨3點 (週日到凌晨1點)

Goat Cheese is Toastetia Café's choice of cheese this month.

Goat cheese, higher in vitamin A and potassium, serve as a perfect substitute for many dieters. Goat cheeses have a unique, tart, earthy, tangy flavor that sets them apart from cow cheeses. Their distinctive tang and aroma makes Goat cheese one of our favorite cheese across our menu.

- Goat Cheese Salad - Pesto Goat Cheese Panini - Goat Cheese Roasted Eggplant Panini - Salami Goat Cheese Panini - Wine Mushroom Goat Cheese pasta - Goat Cheese Roasted Bell Pepper omelette

Come have some Goat cheese at Toastetia Café

Open daily till 3am (Sunday till 1am)

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