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Toasteria Cafe

The largest, most creative panini menu on the planet!

『 全世界最多樣化、最具有創意的帕尼尼菜單! 』 Toasteria Cafe 將起司推向新的境界。 靠著菜單上超過12種的起司,我們完全掌握「烤起司的藝術」。不論是硬的還是軟的,易碎的還是綿密的,乾的還是鬆軟的,淡口味還是重口味,堅果味還是煙燻味。起司就是我們最擅長的,且融入我們菜單中珍饈美味的天堂般滋味。「全世界最多樣化、最具有創意的帕尼尼菜單」,超過40種以上的帕尼尼選擇。您絕對可以找到夢寐以求的起司美味!

『The Art of Grilled Cheese』 Toasteria Cafe takes cheese to another level. With over twelve kinds of cheese on our menu, Toasteria Cafe has mastered "the art of grilled cheese.Whether hard or soft, crumbly or smooth, dry or creamy, mild or sharp, nutty or smoked, cheese is what we know best and what we craft into perfect, heavenly bites on our menu, "the largest, most creative panini menu on the planet."With a selection of over forty panini on our menu,Toasteria Cafe definitely has the cheesy bite you're looking for.

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