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Mediterranean Sea 地中海地區介紹

The history of the Mediterranean region is the interaction of the cultures and people of the lands surrounding the Mediterranean Sea, the central superhighway of transport, trade and cultural exchange between diverse peoples, encompassing three continents: Western Asia, North Africa, and Southern Europe. The Mediterranean is a place of sun and sea, and of culinary traditions that have become recognized as among the world's most delicious and healthful. Toasteria Café had traveled around the Mediterranean and brought back to Taiwan the great taste and the feel of the Mediterranean cuisine and atmosphere. You would love it! Everybody does.Open daily till 3am (Sunday till 1am)

地中海地區囊括三大洲:西亞、北非、南歐,其歷史建立於地中海沿岸居民的文化交流,因位於交通中樞位置,促使興盛的貿易及不同民族的文化融合。 地中海是一個充滿陽光與蔚藍海水的地方,而地中海的飲食烹調方式也被世界公認為最美味也最健康的傳統飲食文化! Toasteria Café 環遊地中海各地並將美味的料理以及浪漫的氛圍帶回台灣,呈現最道地的地中海飲食文化。你絕對會愛上的。

我們營業到凌晨3點 (週日營業到凌晨1點)

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