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Travel through the tastes of the Mediterranean - SPAIN 用味蕾環遊地中海 - 西班牙馬鈴薯烘蛋

【 Tortilla de Patatas 西班牙馬鈴薯烘蛋 】


Toasteria Cafe的小祕訣是,使用富含維生素的新鮮菠菜增加鮮豔色彩以及清新香氣、炒至焦糖化的洋蔥提升了甜度及烘蛋的口感與層次、最後以帕馬森起司的鹹香提味,放置烤爐烘烤,待烘蛋表面金黃酥脆後,淋上自製的義大利煙花女紅醬。

Come on! 一定要試試這道升級版的經典西班牙美味!營業至凌晨3點~ Tortilla de Patatas is a classic Spanish dish made with eggs and potatoes, served for breakfast, lunch or dinner, as you wish. Toasteria Café twisted it up with some fresh spinach for some VitaminC love, vibrant green color and smell, caramelized onions for extra sweetness and texture and Parmesan cheese for a crispy salty kick, grilled under a broiler. Topped with an Italian touch of Putanesca sauce. Come on.. You know you got a try this twisted Spanish Classic. Open till 3am

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